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Procedural law – Sáez Parga
Procedural law 2018-01-05T04:14:38+00:00

Procedural law

Our Procedural Department has extensive experience in and comprehensive knowledge of the various jurisdictions and always seeks to provide the best results for its clients; if this is possible and beneficial for the clients, it tries to avoid legal claims or having to defend them in a lawsuit which is unlikely to succeed. Therefore, a negotiated and out-of-court settlement is always an acceptable option and, only when this is inevitable, we prepare the best strategy and defence to deal with the lawsuit.

With over 30 years of experience in domestic and foreign litigation, we have vast experience in mainly civil, mercantile, judicial review and criminal proceedings, having achieved a very large percentage of favourable rulings for our clients.

Our services are divided into four main areas:

· Civil and mercantile litigation and arbitration.

· Insolvencies and recoveries.

· Economic crime law and corporate compliance programmes.

Within that general structure, we will now summarise the type of issues we deal with:

– Domestic and international arbitration and with de jure arbitrators or amiable compositeurs.

– Contractual and tort liability actions. Professional liability.

– Corporate conflicts.

· Conflicts between majority and minority shareholders.

· Actions to comply with partner agreements.

· Corporate liability actions against those governing a company.

· Challenge of corporate resolutions and board resolutions.

– Litigation related to civil and mercantile contracts

· Landlord-tenant proceedings for urban properties and condominium units.

· Proceedings for defending or annulling general contractual terms and conditions.

· Claims for client compensations and for damages related to agency, distribution, concession and franchise contracts.

· Proceedings for contractual termination and rescission.

· Proceedings for the validity, interpretation and execution of civil and mercantile contracts.

· Ownership, possession, transfer and administration of property assets.

· Claims for amounts.

– Processes to enforce judicial and extra-judicial actions

· Exequatur in Spain of foreign legal and arbitration decisions.

· Legal enforcement for the effectiveness of personal guarantees and rights in rem.

· Proceedings to enforce the collection of bills of exchange, cheques and promissory notes.

· Enforcement of enforceable judicial and extra-judicial actions.

· Claims for payment and exchange procedures.

Our areas of expertis

Contact Info

9876 West Green Street

Phone: 1-800-987-6543

Mobile: 1-800-345-6789

Web: Avada WP Theme